Movies, magazines or porn sites make your partner day dream? Is it normal? Should you be upset, encourage him or watch them with him? The answers to some of women’s concerns might help you in deciding what attitude you should have.
Is he unsatisfied?
The fact that a man watches x-rates film does not mean he is sexually not satisfied. He is just probably trying to fuel his fantasies, and mentally play out some sensations he might not reach in reality. It’s is common fact that men are aroused by images, by what they see, so that means they are very visual and practical in the sex department.
Should you accept it?
It’s up to you where you want to draw the line. But if you’re jealous and you can’t understand him your relationship will fall apart quickly. That’s why it’s better to talk about it. But be careful, don’t forbid him to watch them because it will only make things worse!
Can porn pervert him?
Going from looking to doing is rare. Most men are satisfied with just looking, browsing from website to another. So there should be no worries. If he starts webcam chat, that might be a warning sign!
What if he does it often?
It always depends on how often he does it. If he refuses physical contact or sex with you, and prefers to watch porn instead, that indeed might be a problem. If he has an addiction, the best way to make him realize that so, and not make it a huge problem, just a point of concern.
What shouldn’t you accept?
It all depends on you and the limits you have set together inside the couple. It’s perfectly normal and advisable to experiment but always be careful that mutual desires are met. Both of you have to feel pleasure, otherwise it’s not ok.
How do you make him quit?
If he overdoes it and the situation is unbearable to you, you can always tell him that you don’t fell respected and that you are suffering. And if he has an addiction, after trying to reason with him, you might both consider seeing a psychologist.
Should we watch them together?
First of all you should know that if you don’t want to watch x-rated videos you don’t have to. But if you also enjoy them, you can definitely watch one together every once in a while. It can stir up your imagination and it can be a good way to show each other your fantasies, who knows…maybe you’ll get to play them out after the movie. 😉
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