When a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, it is natural for her and her partner to be concerned about the effect that making love will have on their unborn child. Common questions are:
- will pressure on the womb hurt the child?
- is there any risk of infection?
- can an orgasm cause a miscarriage or premature childbirth?
- Are some sexual positions safer than others?
These concerns make some women and men feel less in the mood for sex than before the pregnancy.
Can a couple continue their normal sex life?
Sex and sexual intercourse are not harmful during pregnancy. The foetus lies safely in the womb and occasional movement, contact or orgasms cannot cause it harm. During orgasm, the womb will contract more than usual, but these aren’t the same contractions as those just before delivery. Providing there are no reasons to suspect that the man has a genital infection such as herpes or chlamydia then there is no increased risk of infection to the baby.
When is sex during pregnancy not safe?
In certain circumstances a doctor or midwife might advise couples not to have too much sex during pregnancy.
- Any bleeding during pregnancy or after having intercourse should always be reported to a doctor. An examination of the cervix and possibly an ultrasound scan will be suggested.
- If the bleeding is recurrent, it may be suggested that you have less intercourse, but that does not mean that other types of sex are forbidden during the remainder of the pregnancy.
- If the placenta (afterbirth) is lying over the cervix (a condition known as placenta praevia) you may be advised to avoid intercourse altogether.
What should couples do when the stomach grows?
During the first three months of pregnancy the foetus takes up so little space in the womb that it can’t be seen or felt. But once the stomach starts to grow, sex can feel a little uncomfortable if the man is on top.
It is best to find other sexual positions – the woman astride the man, side to side or from behind, for example. These will be more comfortable. By experimenting, couples may find new positions that they will use after the pregnancy as well.
Does sexual drive decrease during pregnancy?
It is possible to make love during pregnancy, from the first day to the last day. But the desire to make love can vary a great deal. Both partners have to be aware of this and of how the other is feeling.
A successful sexual relationship always depends on two people wanting to make love – and that holds true whether one of them is pregnant or not.
Based on a text by Dr Erik Fangel Poulsen, specialist
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