It may sound strange to some but good sex can keep you young for a prolonged period of time. In fact good sex is one of the most effective ways of maintaining your looks. With a successgul sex life you can cut stress out of your life and have better sleep. Besides the physical and emotional effects of sex you will also put an extra effort for be in shape and look good for your partner. Experts suggest that regular love making also boosts the body’s immunity against infection.
- Michael Roizen stated in reading of his clinical work stated that good sex keeps us younger as it – “decreases stress, relaxes us, enhances intimacy, and However, till now there has been no research conducted to support the findings.
- There are many physiological factors related to sex. Being the most intense kind of pleasure it facilitates chemical reactions in body. In women it produces growth hormone and in men it improves sleep and increases the level of testosterone.
- Dr. David Week in his book Secrets of the Superyoung he stated that “the key ingredients for looking younger are staying active … and maintaining a good sex life.” Results of a longitudinal study conducted (3,500 people, ages 30 to 101) by him supported his view. According to his study a person who has sex at least three times a week is likely to look ten years younger than the person who makes love only twice a week.
- Dr. Week further claims that only pleasurable sexual acts as a crucial factor in preserving your youth. Casual sex can arouse the feeling of anxiety and insecurity which finally contributes to loss of youth.
- After physical and mental exercise, sexual activities are the best way of staying young for long.
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