Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/compat.php on line 502

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; Ad_Rotator_Widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ad-rotator/adrotator.php on line 28

Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_deregister_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_deregister_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_deregister_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_register_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.0.) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4105

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; simple_adsense_widget has a deprecated constructor in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-adsense/simple-adsense.php on line 80

Deprecated: Function create_function() is deprecated in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/plugins/simple-adsense/simple-adsense.php on line 144

Warning: Declaration of thesis_comment::start_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::start_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 155

Warning: Declaration of thesis_comment::end_lvl(&$output, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::end_lvl(&$output, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 155

Warning: Declaration of thesis_comment::start_el(&$output, $comment, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 155

Warning: Declaration of thesis_comment::end_el(&$output, $comment, $depth, $args) should be compatible with Walker::end_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array) in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 155

Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: register_sidebar_widget is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_sidebar_widget() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: register_widget_control is deprecated since version 2.8.0! Use wp_register_widget_control() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: Undefined index: activated in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/functions/launch.php on line 21

Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in simple_adsense_widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3876

Notice: The called constructor method for WP_Widget in Ad_Rotator_Widget is deprecated since version 4.3.0! Use
instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3876

Deprecated: Non-static method thesis_head::build() should not be called statically in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/html/frameworks.php on line 10

Notice: Undefined variable: conditional_styles in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/head.php on line 191

Notice: Undefined property: thesis_favicon::$favicon in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/head.php on line 244
Fitness for sex: Stay fit and have fun - Horny HOT

Notice: Undefined variable: page_template in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/html/content_box.php on line 12

Notice: Undefined variable: page_template in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/html/content_box.php on line 18

Notice: Undefined variable: page_template in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/html/content_box.php on line 20

Notice: Undefined index: url in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/functions/post_images.php on line 32

Fitness for sex: Stay fit and have fun

by Horny HOT on August 7, 2009
Notice: Undefined variable: show_comments in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/functions/content.php on line 117

Exercising is for all age groups

A regular exercise regimen which tones up your muscles, works out your cardiovascular system and improves flexibility of your body, will also help you keep charged for sex for many years. Many people feel that exercising is only for the young and slowly start giving up their fitness regimen when they reach middle age. It is completely untrue, exercising is meant for all ages and only the pace and type of exercise needs to be modified as you age. Being fit is for all age groups and sex is not limited only for the young. In short, remain fit to continue having an active sex life for years to come.

Physical benefits of sex

Various studies have repeatedly shown that couples who have good sexual relationships not only live twelve years longer but also look a decade younger than their real age. Exercising works as an aphrodisiac due to the release of hormones and chemical changes that happen in your body. The “feel good” hormone- endorphins are released in the brain after a workout which uplifts your mood and influences how you feel about yourself. Theseneurochemical changes can bring a sense of exhilaration and put you in a mood for lovemaking resulting in boosting your sex drive too. Exercising builds your stamina and vitality which is equally needed during sex. Higher levels of endurance acquired from exercising can prolong your sexual experience as your staying power increases. And you may have sessions of lovemaking! Kegel exercise which consists of contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles can be done by both men and women which can help you experience better sex.

Obesity can hamper sex

A physically fit or toned body not only sexually arouses an individual as it is more appealing but also helps being spontaneous during the sexual act. Being overweight can hamper your movement and make it uncomfortable to experiment with different sexual positions. You can build flexibility of your body by practicing , which in turn can help you try out variety of moves on the bed. Men with a larger waistline or belly fat are at risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction and also it affects the size of the penis because shaft of the male organ gets covered due to the excess fat. Studies also show that women who exercise regularly boost their sex drive and experience orgasms quickly. Orgasms are muscle spasms or contractions and exercising builds up your core muscles which mean stronger orgasms.


Notice: link_pages is deprecated since version 2.1.0! Use wp_link_pages() instead. in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3816

Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: limits in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php on line 863

Notice: compact(): Undefined variable: groupby in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-comment-query.php on line 863

Notice: Undefined property: thesis_comments::$comments in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 30

Notice: Undefined property: thesis_comments::$linkbacks in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/comments.php on line 46

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Deprecated: Non-static method thesis_javascript::output_scripts() should not be called statically in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/html/frameworks.php on line 22

Notice: Undefined variable: output in /home/hornyhot/public_html/wp-content/themes/thesis_182/lib/classes/javascript.php on line 79