You may have your own ideas about what your man really wants to hear from you, and in part you may be right. However, the things he really, really wants to hear are not all sexual, if that was what you were thinking. The things that will ring the sweetest in his ears are about love, and there are three in particular that will make his heart flutter when he hears them. Keep reading and I’ll tell you what they are.
I Trust You
Oh, how heavenly this sounds in your ears, so just imagine how great it sounds in his. When it comes to discussing trust in relationships, men often get the short end of the stick and they know it. Men are often portrayed as the cheater, the liar, the manipulator, and they know it. This can really hurt a man if he is not this way. So, let him know that you trust him in all things.
Knowing he has your trust will make him fall even more in love with you, boost his confidence, and inspire him to show his appreciation for your trust. He will want to constantly do things to let you know that your trust was well-deserved and reward you for it. Giving trust is one thing, proving it was deserved is another. When your man knows you trust him, he will want to do everything he can to prove he’s worthy of it.
You Mean the World to Me
“I love you” is great, but often it gets thrown around a lot and it doesn’t always articulate your feelings for him. Tell and show him in other ways just how much he means to you. Just like you need to feel important, he needs this as well. Knowing he is one-of-a-kind will give him that sense of worth that he needs to feel. If he thinks he’s no more special than the next man, he may wonder why he should stick around since he’s replaceable.
So, let him know what he truly means to you and not just with words either. Men don’t always have to have a reason to stay, but knowing there is one really helps. You would want the same from your man, wouldn’t you?
I’m Always Here for You
While men may not seem to have the same insecurities as we do, they do! Men are just as if not more afraid of being replaced by the bigger, better deal. If looks tend to fade, men become insecure about themselves and worry when the day will come when they will be traded for a newer, younger model. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, then let him know that no matter what may change on the outside, you’re with him for who he is. We need reassurances like this from our men no matter how high our confidence is. Men need the same from us.
Give him some peace by assuring him that no matter what, you’ll always be there for him, love him, and that no one could ever take his place.
When you think about these three things that men really want to hear, you see that in this case they are not so different than us. Giving this emotional support will ensure a happy relationship with love that will only deepen with time.
For more things that your man really wants to hear, subscribe to my newsletter. It is filled with advice on all things related to love, dating, and relationships.
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